We have set goals and plans to secure Bitvested's future. We made these to let Bitvested grow into something bigger than just another cryptocurrency. On this page, you will read about some of our plans and goals to achieve our vision.
This page will get updated in the future once we have reached our goals and introduce new ones.
In the long term, we will release new innovative solutions to offer all people something that fits their needs. These products and services won't only consist of cryptocurrency and blockchain-related solutions. We will do this to bridge
the gap that currently exists between traditional institutions.
In the shortest term, we want to release our Bitvested app. The app will improve the experience of our users hugely. Although the website's design operates on smartphones too, the experience is not seamless. We want users to check on their
current funds easily and quickly.
We set our goals and plans while keeping practicability in mind. We firmly believe we can reach all of our goals. The timescale in which we set these goals may differ. Some goals may get done before and some after.